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Land Rober Tunai Show

Genre: Live Show. Entertainment.

Years: 2009 - 2011, 2015 to date.

Target: all audiences.

Awards: 2 Mestre Mateo Awards, 1 Iris award

Two hours of live entertainment packed with humor and emotion to make Galician Television the absolute audience leader in Spain every week.


"Land Rober" is a great CTV production for prime time. The program is recognized as one of the great national television programs and is directed by Xosé Arias and Roberto Vilar.


Roberto Vilar along with his star collaborator Xosé Touriñán and a selection of hilarious comedians and surprise guests perform a  great spectacle of the stage to entertain, laugh and, above all, captivate the viewer’s mind for two hours.



Premios Iris de la Academia Española de la Televisión (2016):

Land Rober Tunai Show: Premio Iris Mejor Programa de Televisión Autonómico.

Premios Mestre Mateo de la Academia Gallega del Audiovisual (2016):

Land Rober Tunai Show: Premio Mestre Mateo al Mejor Programa de Televisión.
Roberto Vilar: Mestre Mateo Premio al Mejor Comunicador de Televisión


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